As we approach the event of the Carré Rive Gauche "Carrément Sauvage", which the Vauclair Gallery joins from May 31 to June 3 2012, the press shows its enthusiasm and appears in search of original works of art, all "wildly funny". Once again, the Vauclair Gallery is lucky to be selected with exceptional pieces.
In the review L'Estampille-L'Objet d'Art of May, find our Fury Parrot, realised by the sculptor Paul Comoléra for the Choisy-le-Roi Manufacture circa 1890 :
Cover of L'Estampille-L'Objet d'art n° 479 May 2012
Page 76
The Parrot by Choisy-le-Roi in page 77
You can also find in several publications of this month our wonderful Pair of lizards dishes by Mafra for the Manufacture Caldas da Rainha (in Portugal):
Antiquités Brocante n°164, June 2012 :
The lizards dishes p. 8
Page 9
Point de vue n°3331, May 2012, week from 23 to 29 :
One of the plates page 59
Page 60
Page 61
Page 62
Page 63
Figaro Magazine, May 25. and 26., 2012 :
Page 108
Page 109
One of the two plates p. 110
La Galerie Vauclair est ainsi très fière de partager avec vous l'engouement médiatique suscité par ses collections. Elle remercie bien sûr tout particulièrement l'ensemble des journalistes qui ont collaboré à cette revue de presse : Françoise Rouge pour L'Estampille-L'Objet d'art; Muriel Boujeton et Caroline Albertus pour Antiquités Brocante; Anne Rogier et Marie Clérin pour Point de Vue et Pauline Simons pour Figaro Magazine.
Bonne lecture !
The Vauclair Gallery is very proud to share with you the media hype generated by its collections. She thanks of course all the journalists who have contributed to this press release: especially Françoise Rouge for L'Estampille-L'Objet d'art; Muriel Boujeton and Caroline Albertus for Antiquités Brocante; Anne Rogier and Marie Clérin for Point de Vue and Pauline Simons for Figaro Magazine.
Happy reading !