Let's start this article make you relive with some pictures our beautiful Paris Biennale, which took place at the Grand Palais during the month of September. We were delighted to welcome you in our booth decorated by Argentine architect Luis Laplace.
And do not miss the exhibition "AD Interiors" to see until November 23 at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris. With, among others, Luis Laplace decor! Learn more here...
After the Biennale, the media continue to follow us and we again thank all the journalists who talk about us:
L'Officiel de la Mode, Nov. 2014
Spanish journal La Vanguardia, Nov. 2014
We are also very proud to be in the Mr. Pierre Faveton's book Reconnaître les meubles de style, Coll. Les Essentiels de Patrimoine, Ed. Massin, Oct. 2014: